Royal Surrey Charity has a duty to both our donors and the Charity Commission – the body that regulates charities in England and Wales – to ensure every penny and pound our supporters donate is used effectively to benefit our patients.

Funds can be used to support a variety of initiatives, which will generally fall under one of the following categories:

Medical equipment

We fund vital and state of the art medical equipment used to deliver care to patients. This encompasses computers/software associated with medical equipment.

Patient experience

We fund projects that improve the patient experience. This is a broad category which also includes 'nice to haves' – for example, activity items, sensory equipment, tablets for patients, patient information videos, TVs, radios and similar. Non-medical equipment/items provided to patients – for example, skin-to-skin tops and salaried roles  – and refreshments, where there is a clear need to enhance the patient experience, are also included here.

Building, refurbishment and environment

We fund building or refurbishment work that will make wards and departments more welcoming and comfortable for our patients. This also includes the purchase of new furniture (for patients) and environmental improvements, such as redecorating or installing murals and other visual enhancements.

Staff education and training

We fund staff development projects that will enhance care, which can include conferences, courses, and library facilities and resources.

Staff wellbeing

We fund staff wellbeing initiatives to support staff, including:

  • salaried roles - for example, staff councillors
  • gifts for staff - for example, Christmas Hampers
  • events and activities for staff - for example, Winterfest
  • building/refurbishment work - for example, staff rest rooms, the purchase of facilities (e.g. kettles, fridges and microwaves), furniture and other initiatives that are solely focused on benefitting staff wellbeing.

Research and development

We fund research projects that have the potential to benefit patient outcomes.

Volunteer experience

We fund projects that support, engage and reward Royal Surrey volunteers.

Next steps

Once you’ve decided which category your idea falls into, you need to see if it’s eligible.

Go to Step one: eligibility criteria >

Useful links

Back to introduction to grand funding

Applying for charity funding (landing page)