Thanks to your support and the generous donation from the KatCanDo charity, Royal Surrey Charity has funded Abdominal Compression Belts for our radiotherapy unit, significantly benefiting patients receiving radiotherapy.

Radiotherapy involves the use of highly targeted X-rays to treat cancerous cells. Lisa-Jane Conway, Deputy Head of Radiotherapy said:

“Tumours in the chest or abdomen can be difficult to treat as they move when a patient breathes. One method to reduce this movement is to ask patients to hold their breath for 20-30 seconds a number of times per session. Unfortunately, we have found that for many patients, this is quite difficult to do.”

Our radiotherapy team, therefore, set out to find an alternative option. The Abdominal Compression Belt is like a large blood pressure cuff placed around a patient’s abdomen. Once fitted, it applies gentle pressure onto the patient to make their breathing more shallow. This reduces the movement of the chest while still allowing the patient to breathe throughout their treatment. 

Thanks to your support, we have funded three compression belts for our radiotherapy unit, with one of the belts generously donated by the KatCanDo charity. Lisa-Jane goes on to say:

“It has been well tolerated by our patients, and our radiographers have found it simple and quick to use. It has allowed us to offer high-precision radiotherapy treatment to more patients who will hopefully benefit from a higher chance of controlling their cancer. At the Royal Surrey Cancer Centre, we strive to provide the highest possible standard of care to our patients and access to the latest equipment via charitable funding contributed enormously to us achieving that goal: thank you.”

One of the patients who was treated at Royal Surrey for lung cancer said:

The compression belt was surprisingly comfortable to wear. It took a little time to get it to the right fit but once on, it was fine. I certainly found it far less stressful than breath holding would have been. Please pass on my thanks to the charity for providing such equipment which makes a difficult time for a patient that much more pleasant.

Another patient  who was treated for lung metastasis from prostate cancer said:

“Very comfortable and infinitely easier than holding your breath. I would much prefer it to trying to breath hold for any future treatment.”

Your support directly funds equipment like this that improves patient care and experience. 

Our Radiotherapy Cancer Care Fund supports people living with cancer who are undergoing radiotherapy treatment. 

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