Designated Funds are individual charity funds that relate to specific areas of the Trust – you can find our current list below.

Each fund has three Fund Managers and a Charity Champion who can support you with your application. 

Our current funds

Breast Unit Fund
Cardiac Care Fund
Children's Fund
Community Care Fund
Intensive Care Fund
Medical and Older People's Fund
Radiotherapy Outpatient Department Fund
Maternity Care Fund
Special Care Baby Fund
St Luke's Cancer Care Fund
Dementia Care Fund
Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Care Fund
Urology Care Fund

For a full list of Fund Managers and their contact details, visit Roogle


If you would prefer to talk to someone from our charity team, email us, give us a call on 01483 464146, or pop in to see us on Level A in the Estates corridor.

Useful links

Back to Step two: determine which fund to apply to

Step three: applying to a fund

Applying for charity funding (landing page)