“Dear Heart Makers, 
A huge thank you to each and every one of you for bringing joy and comfort when I needed it most. I will cherish the gift forever.” 

Royal Surrey Charity received this lovely message from Mehnaz Qureshi, a patient undergoing treatment at the Breast Unit at Royal Surrey, after she received a heart-shaped cushion made by our volunteer sewers. These cushions fit right under the arm and provide a great level of comfort for patients undergoing breast surgery.

She went on to say,

I was truly moved by the heart cushion I received just before my surgery. Words cannot express how much it meant to me at that moment—feeling the love and appreciating its practicality was exactly what I needed. My 10-year-old daughter and I have decided that we want to give back and help others who are navigating this life-changing diagnosis.

Many volunteer knitters and sewers create items like these and donate them to Royal Surrey Charity to provide comfort to our patients. We extend our deepest thanks to all of our volunteers, supporters and the amazing NHS staff for making our patients feel loved and cared for during challenging times.  

Please get in touch if you would like to volunteer your time or skills to support our patients. 

Pictured above: Katie Downes, Clinical Nurse Specialist at the Breast Unit. 

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