In Memory

Zita Stones

19 Jul 1971 - 24 Mar 2023

Our beautiful mum passed away peacefully on Friday 24th March 2023 at the Royal Surrey ICU. As many of you know, our mum Zita could easily light up a room as soon as she entered it. Her sense of humour and ability to make everyone smile is what we remember best about her. During the two heartbreaking weeks she was in ICU, the brilliant and caring team of nurses and doctors went above and beyond to try and save her. Towards the end when things became unimaginably difficult they provided us with the upmost support and gave us precious time to say goodbye. During this difficult time, we kindly ask our family and friends to donate towards the ICU in memory of our beloved mum.

All proceeds go to

Specific ward, department or area (as specified on page)

So far your kind donations have raised

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