Linda Warner is a tax partner in Guildford and her husband was diagnosed, late last year, with a rare cancer and he has been undergoing treatment at the St Luke's Cancer Centre and the Royal Marsden ever since.

Linda says, “One night we got a call at 9pm, after a routine blood test, that Adam should go to the hospital that night. A week in hospital and several tests later we met the consultant to be told that he had a rare blood cancer and the only curative treatment would be a stem cell transplant. Several weeks of further tests and a month in hospital for chemotherapy followed, even before they could consider the stem cell. That night our lives changed. Adam was only 57 and I had always thought he was the fit one!

Adam is making good progress but we would not be where we are today without the prompt action and the incredible support of the Royal Surrey Haematology team. Having the facilities locally made life bearable for the whole family over that time”.

Linda Warner